2 March 2010

Just a Reminder . . .

"The doors we open and close each day decide the lives we live."
- Flora Whittemore

"Life is the sum of all your choices." - Albert Camus


Theresa Milstein said...

I like this top quote, and I may borrow it. All of my blog posts begin with a quote, and sometimes end with one as well.

This is something I need to year. While I feel I'm trying to open a lot of doors, a lot keep getting slammed in my face. This is a reminder to keep trying to open them. Thanks!

Ann said...

First of all I love that door. It has a story to tell. I also love the quote. Very prolific and not only to the aspiring writer in me. Thank you for the reminder, we are in control. We are in control of our choices.

Susannah said...

Ann, I too love the door - it is a very old door and belongs to a house in the village where I live - (I am sure that it and the house itself have a lot of history.)

Thanks both of you for dropping in and for your comments. :-)

BK said...

Very aptly put. Life is about choices. Our life today is the result of the choices we made in the past and our future depends on the choices we make today.

Susannah said...

Hi BK - yes it is good to be aware that life is a seies of choices and we are the ones who make them!

Thanks for dropping in and for your comment. :-)

Barbara Scully said...

Hello Susannah
Can I also say that I am very taken with that door... it would make a great story prompt. 'What goes on behind a door like this?' It definitely has a story to tell... and thanks fot the quotations and reminders!

Susannah said...

Hi Barbara :-)

Yes, that door seems to have a bit of magic about it!

I have taken many photos of it, it looks especially nice near christmas / winter solstice as it is decorated with a simple bunch of gathered greenery tied with a red ribbon.

Mmm, that very old door is getting itself seen all over the world, a story in itself!

Jennifer said...

Doors are such a rich image, so full of symbolism. Barbara's right - a wonderful story prompt.

Susannah said...

Hi Jennifer - I think that is an excellent point about the symbolism of doors - such a universal and potent image.

- it really would make a wonderful story prompt wouldn't it.

Ellen said...

Reminds me of "do you want door number 1, 2 or 3?" Even then I didn't realize that I had choices. But now I do, and I'll take all three, thank you very much. Love your blog.

Susannah said...

Hi Ellen - great to see you here, thanks for the comment. :-)

Suz said...

lovely post Susannah
doors can be bewitching

Susannah said...

They can can't they Suz. Nice to see you. :-)

Anonymous said...

Really strange


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